In 1997 Westland Gummiwerke GmbH & Co. KG, a world leading German company for graphic rollers, invested its capital into LIGUM and the latter company received the necessary know-how and high-tech materials for offset printing. In the same year, the first “sleeve”, an elastomer covered fiberglass for flexography printing, was produced. At present, flexography printing forms are the main specialization with great growth potential for the plant in Jablonec nad Nisou / CZE and Kenosha / USA. However, the same attention is paid to other specializations as well, which are of the same importance for our company – printing industry, packaging industry, metallurgy, wood industry, engineering, etc.
LIGUM Company expanded internationally establishing affiliated companies in Poprad / SVK, Glogow / POL, Lutck / UKR, Moscow / RUS, Kenosha / USA, Istanbul / TUR and Taicang / CHN – this is company LIGUM nowadays.
Customer satisfaction in our field of business firstly requires the optimal choice of materials for coverings and, of course, high-quality production with short delivery times. This requires an understanding of the whole range of technologies where our coverings are used. The constant improvement and development of suitable solutions together with material suppliers, designers and engineers is our challenge.
Thousands of satisfied local as well as foreign customers, including world leading companies in the printing, packaging and engineering industries, prove that investing in quality and technology in favor of the customer has paid off.
Jaroslav Pluhar
LIGUM group in numbers
Production facilities in following countries
thousands rubber covered rollers and sleeves produced annually
countries all around the world supplied by us
highly motivated and skilled employees
Company history

LIGUM s.r.o. opened the production of rubber covered rollers in Jablonec nad Nisou

LIGUM s.r.o. delivered the first rollers from the new opened facility in Poprad

LIGUM Pol SP. Z o.o. was established in Głogów to serve the clients in Poland. Westland Gummiwerke, GmbH, worldwide leader in offset rollers production, invested in LIGUM

LIGUM was opened in Lutsk

LLC LIGUM is registered in Moscow and the production of the first batches of rollers in small volumes has begun.

LIGUM in Czech republic moved the production of sleeves into the new building.

opening of the first plant building in Borovsk, mass production of rubber rollers

Select country
Production capabilities
We are able to cover rollers in following maximal dimensions and weight:
Total length: 9 000mmTotal diameter: 1 000mm
Total weight: 5 500kg

Types of typically used compounds
Acrylat - rubber (EACM)
Acrylnitrile - Butadien - rubber (NBR)
Butyl - rubber (IIR)
Ethylene - Propylene - Dien - rubber (EPDM)
Fluor - rubber (FKM)
Chlorbutadien - rubber (CR)
Chlorsulfon - Polyethylene (CSM - Hypalon)
Natural rubber (NR)
Polynorbon - rubber
Polyurethane (PU)
Silicone - rubber (VMQ)
Styrol - Butadien - rubber (SBR)
and other special elastomers (CM, HTM, NBR+PVC...)Quality system
Since establishing is the company LIGUM focused on customer´s satisfaction.Within relative short existence became famous in rubber covering of rollers and sleeves like a symbol for quality.
The quality of rubber coverings is influenced by many factors: the quality of the elastomer, the selection of an optimal blend used for individual functions of rollers, optimal technology, high standard of technical equipment, responsible and quality work, and, finally, the quality of the roller surfaces. All elements are controlled by a certificate QMS under EN ISO 9001:2015.
Technical support
In the course of many years of our work, we have gathered a great amount of knowledge which allows us finding the right solution for any complicated task presented to us by modern industrial production.Our engineers, technologists and laboratory workers are ready to help you!
Technical support services:
- Field Manager Consultant
- Measurement of sizes, measurement of tolerances and temperature modes of roller operation
- Preparation of sketches and drawings for existing rollers
- Testing of rubber for resistance against new chemicals
- Selection of new elastomer compounds
- Consultancy in the area of roller core maintenance
- Calculation of porosity splining
- Report of final surface roughness
- Report of final dynamic balancing of the roller
- Help with preparation of cylinder records and cards
- Development of protective packings and transport cases for the rollers